Virtuoso The new classic.. Baratza Virtuoso grinder that has been enjoyed for years and years easily received even better! The Virtuoso now features a digital timer that gives smooth and repeatable dosing. Enhanced Burr Set The high performance burr set supports create cafe fine coffee, making this grinder ultimate in your espresso journey. The Virtuoso has a correct effective to coarse grind for all modern brew tricks and grinds at a velocity of 2g/second. Don’t Dump it, Fix it! Most small, user appliances are designed to put on out, or quit being useful in a totally brief time. These appliances are difficult and costly to repair, so customers are skilled to dump and replace which has huge environmental implications. In contrast, we’ve purposefully designed Baratza grinders to be maintained like commercial grinders and maximize their value. With steady cleaning, maintenance, repair, or even rebuilds our grinders may give an excellent, correct grind for most years.