TuyaSmart LifeSmartMulti-modeGatewayZigBeeWiFiBluetooth-Compatible MeshHubWireless RemoteControlwithAppAlexaGoogleHomeVoiceControl Group Control MainFeatures: 1. Sub-device control as multi-mode well suited : Control sub-devices of the gateway, supporting remote control and organization management for related Bluetooth-compatible and ZigBee smart devices in Smart Life App as multi-protocol communication, guaranteeing secure leadership of 128 instruments as strong performance. 2. Scenario and automation supported : Sub-devices of the gateway act as set off conditions for linking them with assorted intelligent instruments within the course of the state of affairs and automation environment within the app, featured as one powerful network bridge for complete dwelling linkage in a genuine sense for all Tuya Smart domestic devices. 3. Remote control obtainable : Remotely management the devices that are related to the gateway during the cellular phone through the Tuya Smart App whatever the place you are, no need to separately management your Bluetooth-Compatible and ZigBee devices in two diversified interfaces, simply leadership them within one multi-mode gateway hub with reliable local linkage and organization control centers supported. 4. Smart multi-function with clean operation : Locally executing circumstances and automation is preferred, which enables clever situations and automation to be carried out in case of no network access; Add sub-devices with out network entry and a number of sub-devices having entry to the network at the similar time. 5. Support safety operate : Can be included into the Tuya Security SaaS platform for additional convenience to fulfill assorted defense criteria with an alarm function; the Tuya chip integrated allows voice leadership by way of Alexa and Google Home for freeing your palms in one other sense; Specifications: Product name: Multi-mode Gateway Electrical parameters: 5V 1A Operating temperature: -10~45℃ Operating humidity: 5%~90%RH Non-condensing Wireless protocol: 2 WiFiZigBeeBLEMesh Product size: 92*92*40mm Packagelist: 1pcMulti-modegateway+Powercable+UsingManual Themulti-modegatewaysupportsWi-Fi+Bluetooth-Compatible +Zigbeemulti-protocolcommunication Bluetooth-compatible mesh(SIG)andZigbeecommunicationensurestablecontrolof128devices StandareprotocoldevelopmentbasedonZigBee3andBluetooth-Compatible SIGstandardprotocol ForsmartintegrationinSmartLifeAppwithintelligentcontrols AssociateothersmartdevicesinAppforlocalscenariolinkageandautomation Note:Allthesesmartdevicesarenotincludedinthepackage,youmayneedtopurchaseseparately Addingsub-deviceswithoutnetworkaccessandmultiplesub-devicesaccessingthenetworkatthesametime Ensurestablecontrolof128devices Note:Allthesesmartdevicesarenotincludedinthepackage,youmayneedtopurchaseseparately All-in-onepowerfulsmartgateway Muchsafertocreateanintelligenthomesystemwithsmarthomeautomationfeatured Wirelessremotecontrolyoursmartdevicesunderonesameinterfaceforaddedconvenience VoiceControlSupported ItcouldvoicecontrolviaAlexaGooglehome SmartlylinkageyourhousevarioussmartdevicesinSmartLifeAppforreal-senseintelligence Note:Othersmartitemsarenotincludedinthepackage Nomorecomplexoperationstoactivateyoursmartdevicesonebyonewhenarrivinghome Note:Othersmartitemsarenotincludedinthepackage Dimension ①:FunctionButton ②:LEDindicator ③:Speaker ④:resettofactorysetting ⑤:Powersocket ProductSpecification ProductName Multi-modeGateway ElectricalParameters 5V1A OperatingTemperature -10~45℃ OperatingHumidity 5%~90%RHNon-condensing WirelessProtocol 2Wi-FiZigbeeBLEMesh ProductSize 92*92*40mm ProductWeight 119g