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1,Features and Applications · Resistance pressure is an included product composed of touchy substances and integrated circuitsProduct, excessive precision, steady and dependable performance, medium and occasional differ torque measurement, easy set up and use. · Static torque measurement. One end is hooked up by an outer sq. key, and the opposite end is hooked up by means of a flange. 2, technical parameters 参 数 技术指标 参 数 技术指标 量 程 0~20,50,100,200,300,500Nm 响应频率 100μS 灵敏度 1.5±10% mV / V 绝缘电阻 ≥5000MΩ/ 100VDC 零点输出 ±1% F.S. 激励电压 10VDC(9-15VDC) 非线性 ±0.1,0.3% F.S. 温度补偿范围 -10 ~ 60℃ 滞后 ≤±0.05% F.S. 工作温度范围 -20 ~ 65℃ 重复性 ≤±0.05% F.S 安全超载 150% F.S. 蠕变 ≤±0.03% F.S/30min 极限超载 200% F.S. 温度灵敏度漂移 0.03% F.S. / 10℃ 电缆线尺寸 Ø5.2×3m 零点温度漂移 0.03% F.S. / 10℃ 电气连接 红/E+,黑/E-,绿/S+,白/S- 输入电阻 350,750±10Ω 材质 不锈钢或合金钢 输入电阻 350,700±5Ω 其它要求 可定制 3,外形尺寸