Multifunction Intelligent Double Condenser High Efficiency Dehumidifiers Purify Moisture Absorber Air Dryer Machine Parameter : AC household voltage: 220V Water tank capacity: 2 liters Applicable air humidity: when the air humidity exceeds 70% Working environment: In a enclosed indoor, and Close doors and residential home windows Large Coverage : 10 - 120 square meters Suitable for: Office, bathroom, kitchen, wardrobe, bedroom, living room, villas, warehouses, basements This is a dehumidifier. This also is an air purifier. It is awfully uncomplicated to use. Intelligent dehumidifierDouble condenser Everything is fresh !Smart Home AppliancesNew soul. New intelligent. New design. Double condenser High functionality dehumidification Increase functionality by means of 50% Purify AirCirculating air and air purification: Refresh your indoor air, make you feel nice day after day ! The quick dryingIn a closed small room.( Suggested space: ≤ 30 m² ), and Close doors and home windows follow the above suggestions. Shipping: transport to all around the world. No topic where you're Fast delivery to you ! YUZHENLEI is Household Appliances expert. Selling Household Appliances at Buydo for over 10 years. Provide you with ideal dehumidifiers.